Monday, March 15, 2010

The Training Week for Bouldering Season

Though I haven't described quite everything I do I think I can fill in the gaps while describing what a typical week is like.  I have added links on the charts page to my rowing times as well as a training log for odds and ends.  Before I continue its worth noting that this level of volume has been built over the last few years.  It breaks most of the rules in popular training books.  I decided that I would train this much as an experiment.  Once I did this I saw quicker gains in my hangboard, campus board, and one arm pull up numbers, as well as stronger climbing in general.  For descriptions of each exercise see previous posts.


Morning: 2 sets of finger board repeaters separated by a set of one arm pull ups pyramids plus.  Row 500m.

Afternoon:  Campus board power endurance.  Pick a time (15 seconds or more) and ladder up and down the campus board for that time, rest 2 minutes and repeat 8 times.  I got this from the moonclimbing site.  In their article Rich Simpson suggests 40-60s of campusing.  I found this brutal, and the best I've done is 25s with failing in the last two sets.  I am convinced 60s is 9a climbing fitness.


Morning:  Row 2000m.  This is the only day of the week I row a full 2000m.  I try for a personal best each time.  I had good improvement until the last 2 weeks where I am stalling around 7:35.  I would like to row sub 7 minutes, but I think that would take too much time from climbing specific training.

Afternoon:  Four rounds for time of (run .25 miles, 5 muscle ups on rings, 10 push ups, and 15 pike ups).

Evening:  Ideally on monday evenings I climb on plastic somewhere other than my attic.  Originally I wanted this to be my local gym(AIR), but the problems don't change nearly enough, I don't have setting privileges, and would rather save my money for road trips and indian food.  Recently I have been climbing at my friend Adam's home wall on mondays, Its great fun.


Morning:  2 sets of finger board maximum repeaters separated by a set of one arm pull up pyramids.

Afternoon:  Cross Training Strength:  Usually involving some assortment of straddle front lever pull ups, assisted crosses on rings, upside down sit ups, and the standing ab wheel. Then: Campus Board maximum efforts and bouldering on the attic wall.  I have a training partner,Ben, on Tuesday afternoons and it is great not to toil alone


Morning:  I attend a yoga class and afterwards row 1000m.  

Evening:  Six rounds for time of (row 250 m, 20 touches of HS wall runs, 10 pike ups), followed by climbing at a friends home wall.  Mostly moderate traverses, taking it easy and getting a little pumped.


Morning: 1 set of finger board single hangs followed by some one arm pull ups on holds.

Afternoon:  Same as tuesday.

This is a rest day.  I will usually do an easy run for about 20-30 minutes.  

This is the day for climbing outside.  What I do depends on where I am.  At a new area with lots of problems I'll usually try to make some good flashes and climb everything I can in a few trys.  At a new area with a few problems I'll try to make a one day ascent of something that is hard for me.  At an area I frequent I usually try 1 or 2 medium/long term projects and then try to repeat everything I can.

How do I find the time:  At the moment I am a math grad student.  I teach one class and I'm currently writing my thesis.  This gives me a good deal of flexibility.

Why do I find the time:  Short answer: China Beach.  Medium Answer:  I am convinced that ordinary people can climb at a pretty high level if they put the work in.  I consider myself to be more average than mutant and so this is a grand experiment to see how hard I can climb.  Long Answer:  Maybe later.

Possible Gaps in the program:  A later post.


  1. hey robot, i didn't see any info on moonclimbing about simpson's stamina workouts on the campus board. you say he mentions 40 to 60 secs on.... what edge? 3/4"? and how many moves during that time? and 1 3 5? 1 4 7?
    i was doing something similar that i made up, 3/4" edge, three moves up three moves down over 20 seconds (obviously pretty slow ~3 secs per move on 1 2 3 ladder), then rest 10 secs off the board and then repeat. worked up to 5 total per set. painful.

  2. here is the link:
    he talks about power endurance at the bottom. I always campus on the smallest edge. It seems like if you are strong enough to campus all of the edges are about the same. My arms/back give out in PE campusing before my grip. Also, I seem to do about 1 move per second, maybe even a little quicker. I don't know what is best, maybe I'll try slower and compare.
